scientific journal
2023 – № 1 (18)
Political institutions, processes and technologies
- Aseeva T.A. Devaluation in significance of the opinion of “another” and “autisation” of generation Z
- Тalanov S.L. Historical video games as a tool of politics
- Stradina E.A. Directions of state regulation in development of the information technology industry in Russia
- Kachusov D.A. Patriotic organizations of the Siberian federal district and their activities in context of new political agenda
Socio-political history of Russia
- Xie Guoliang P.A. Stolypin and authoritarian politics
- Kocheshkov G.N. Social aspects of internal loans of industrialization in the second half of the 1920s: based on the Yaroslavl province materials
- Karandashev G.V. Anti-alcohol campaign in the Yaroslavl region in 1985 – 1991
- Pan Xuanye Boyar duma and Neige in the XVI century:a comparative analysis
Theory, methods and organization of socio-cultural activities
- Khromikh A.S., Kotov R. I., Veretennikov D.N., Kurbangaleeva E.S. Studying the russian language by children of compatriots abroad: need, reality, prospects
- Aleksandrova E.A., Burmistrova M.N., Firsova T.G. Conceptual ideas for the modernization of pedagogical education in the context of the development of the personal potential of a future teacher
- Saiq Hares Factors affecting gender inequality in education: the case of Afghanistan
- Zautorova E.V. Development of educational motivation of younger schoolchildren by means of children’s experimentation
- Dubenskij P.I. Implementation of a model for the formation of a responsible attitude to weapons among students